Sunday, February 14, 2010


My name is Sadiejane Stewart, I am so excited to share the news with you
that I am not only an Avon Rep but I'm even more excited that I have my own
Avon website! yea! Now I'm open for business 24-7 and that makes it so
convenient for all of us. Yep it's true.. you don't have to wait any
longer. Your order can be shipped directly to your home and you no
longer have to wait for the end of a campaign and then for the products to be delivered by a rep. Unless... you perfer it to be that way.

My website gives you options and the assurance that your informationi s kept confidential and safe. So come and visit, take time to browse and let me know you stopped by.

I have researched and found that Avon has been a strong company for many
years. Also, Avon has added many excellent quality items to give you a
variety to choose from with a 100% guarantee.

However, what I'm really impressed with is that Avon is the largest
corporate supporter of breast cancer awareness and helps support various
organizations that help fight against domestic violence. This is so
important not only for the adults in this situation, but mainly for the
innocent children that can be caught in the middle of a horrible situation
at home. I personally know how that can affect children and stunt their
academics and self worth. I too want to be a part of a company that does
good things for our communities.

If you know anyone that likes Avon, would you please share this message with
them? If you have a question or would like to chat with me just send me an email.

Thanks so much for your support,

Sadiejane Stewart
email me at:

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